Animal farewells

Animal farewells
Pets have a permanent place in our lives. They accompany us for years with unconditional loyalty. At the end of their journey together, they are entitled to the farewell they deserve.
When an animal dies, we often don’t know what to do with ourselves. We are restless, filled with a burning desire to do something for our pet, to somehow be able to connect with them again. Practical activities can have a very healing effect. With mourning rituals, we can once again show our affection for our pet, feel it and be close to it – but also say goodbye at the same time.
Mourning rituals are also always rituals of transition. They symbolically repeat the drastic experience in order to make it more comprehensible, they mark the end of an important chapter in one’s life and, in the long term, pave the way for opening a new chapter.